Your beauty sleep could be getting in the way of having healthy, luscious hair.
Is it gross and germy now? How about now? Here's the timeline for when to clean or toss the key tools on your vanity.
It's often hard to read your own dental X-ray (or your dentist's thoughts) – but here's what you might hear in the dental chair, if you asked for an honest answer...
Sometimes trying to do all the right things at the salon can backfire. Here's what to avoid when getting your hair cut or coloured.
Perfect nails are the best accessory! Here are some ways you can upgrade your manicure with some fun DIY effects
When it comes to the perfect complexion, the right makeup order can make a huge difference.
We asked top skin care experts to share anti-ageing secrets they typically won't tell you for free, like how to reduce dark circles and puffy eyes.
For better personal hygiene, try to avoid these common deodorant mistakes – from applying it in layers to not applying it at the right time of day.
Everything from the shoes you're wearing to how you greet the receptionist reveals secrets about you.
Use these natural, kitchen cabinet cures to get rid of painful corns and calluses.
Hair salons share their secrets for saving money, getting a great hair cut, and more.
A dermatologist shared her best tips for how to take a shower the right way, from temperature and duration to the kind of towels you use afterwards.
Changing your appearance can be as simple as learning a few simple, but nearly magical, makeup techniques.
Poof! A mysterious lump or bump appears on your body. What is it? How long has it been there? It's impossible to ask Dr Google about a "lump on skin" and not lose your mind, but many times these [...]
If social media makes skincare seem both enchanting and impossible, a board-certified dermatologist just shared a truly simple process to deliver maximum results for healthier-looking skin.