While he was visiting, my father asked for the password to our Wi-Fi.
“It’s taped under the modem,” I told him ...read more
Sure, airplane travel is one of comedy’s most well worn topics. But today’s twitter jokesters still manage to put their own ...read more
“Those frames are so flattering,” I assured my sister. She’d just gotten new glasses after 25 years and wasn’t happy wit ...read more
My grandpa is definitely a meat-and-potatoes kind of guy. Once, while getting dinner ready, I asked him how he liked his veget ...read more
“That’s a nice plant,” said a woman at the florist’s shop, pointing to the flower I was buying.
“Yeah, my ...read more
According to news reports, a man in China bought up all the odd numbered seats in a movie theatre last Valentine’s Day. The re ...read more
My mum is quite elderly and has a vivid imagination, so when she called me in the middle of the night to say she’d heard a voi ...read more
Whoever said you can’t teach an old dog new tricks was so wrong. I taught mine how to play dead and she’s been doing it for ...read more
What better place to look for exercise-avoidance wisecracks than the ultimate couch potato forum, Twitter? Have at it, lazybones ...read more
After a rough day spent corralling my rowdy kids, I’d had enough. “I think I’m going to sell them,” I hissed to my siste ...read more
When a family friend passed away, my granddaughter took her three-year-old son to visit the widow. As they approached the front ...read more
As the music swelled during a recent wedding reception, my hopelessly romantic husband squeezed my hand, leaned in and said, “ ...read more
My mother joined a Weight Watchers group. At the first session, the group leader explained the healthy-eating plans everyone sho ...read more
A friend of ours was puzzled with the series of odd messages left on his answering machine. Day after day friends and family wou ...read more