We know our dogs have extraordinary senses…but can they sense the presence of a ghost? The answer depends, first, on whether you believe in ghosts.
Every cat lover knows the stereotype: Cats are aloof, indifferent, and moody. But there are some breeds that are known in the animal-loving community for being more social and affectionate. These [...]
Cats may play it cool, but their true feelings are written all over their furry little faces.
If you’ve ever wondered whether dogs watch TV and which shows they like best, you’re in the right place! Here’s the answer to this canine mystery.
11 easily trainable dogs that make obedient pets
Cats can go from aloof to lovey-dovey in the blink of an eye. So how can we be sure cats like being kissed? Here's what to know before you pucker up.
Here are some essential tips for interpreting your cat's language and behaviour.
These dog ‘selfies’ are the funniest and cutest things you'll see today.
Dogs help keep people healthy and provide companionship, which is a boon for all, but especially the older generation. Find out the best dogs for seniors.
Just because they don't speak your language doesn’t mean your pet can’t tell you how much they care about you!
If you're feeling a little ruff, these corgi memes are the (cor)key.
Cat Whisperer Mieshelle Nagelschneider reveals seven of the most common mistakes cat owners make – and
there’s a good chance you’re part of the problem.
There are no bad photos of your dog, but sometimes you need a little help putting that cuteness into words. Behold, the ulti-mutt list of dog Instagram captions!
These pups can't wait to dry off.