Here, the world’s most contagious myths and misconceptions – debunked.

21. Only 10 per cent of the brain is used

21. Only 10 per cent of the brain is used
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The proportion of the brain “firing” at any one time is task dependent, but ultimately, every region is used almost every day.


22. Iron Maidens

22. Iron Maidens
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These were never medieval torture devices, but 18th-century fakes were created for sensational circuses.

23. Body heat and the head

23. Body heat and the head
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Only in infants is most heat lost through the head (unless the head is the only uncovered part of the body).

Here, the world’s most contagious myths and misconceptions – debunked.

24. Wake sleepwalkers?

24. Wake sleepwalkers?
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They’ll be really confused, but it’s OK. They’re more likely to hurt themselves if they’re not awoken.

25. Bananas grow on trees

25. Bananas grow on trees
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Actually, they grow on massive herbs that just resemble trees.

26. Milk increases mucus

26. Milk increases mucus
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Nope, it doesn’t. There’s no need to avoid dairy if you have a cold.

Here, the world’s most contagious myths and misconceptions – debunked.

27. Bats are blind

27. Bats are blind
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Not only can bats see, but they also use echolocation.

28. Caffeine dehydrates you

28. Caffeine dehydrates you
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Not really. The diuretic effect of caffeine is offset by the amount of water in a caffeinated drink.

29. Goldfish’s three-second memory

29. Goldfish’s three-second memory
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While not the smartest creatures, goldfish boast a memory span of three months.

Here, the world’s most contagious myths and misconceptions – debunked.

30. Shaving thickens hair

30. Shaving thickens hair
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Regrown hair isn’t thicker, coarser, or darker; it just appears so because it grows back with a blunt tip.

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