
Getty Images

Meaning: A shortened term for “family” typically used to describe one’s inner circle.

Example: “I’m hanging out with the fam today.”



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Meaning: The act of getting what you want by tricking or manipulating someone.

Example: “I finessed my co-worker into covering my shifts next week.”


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Meaning: To stop communicating with someone out of the blue.

Example: “I was talking to this guy, but he ghosted me last week.”

Here are 10 online dating terms you need to know now.

Glow up

Glow up
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Meaning: To go through a positive physical, mental, or spiritual change.

Example: “He had a major glow up over the summer.”

High key

High key
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Meaning: The opposite of “low key;” commonly used when you want to emphasise something. Synonyms include “really” and “very.”

Example: “I high-key love those shoes.”

Hits different

Hits different
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Meaning: Used to describe something that stands out from the rest or makes you feel different compared to other things.

Example: “My mum’s cooking just hits different.”

I’m dead

I’m dead
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Meaning: An expression to use when you find something hilarious.

Example: “Did you hear her crack that joke? I’m dead.”

Here are some hilarious cat memes you’ll laugh at every time. And, like, be dead.

Main character

Main character
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Meaning: A phrase used to describe someone who seems to naturally have charismatic energy that draws people in. Someone described as a “main character” tends to be well-liked, confident and knows they’re in control of their life. If a movie were to be made, they’d be the main character.

Example: “Debbie’s definitely the main character in this group.”


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Meaning: A more intense version of “period,” meant to add emphasis to the point being made.

Example: “This is the best song I’ve ever heard – periodt.”


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Meaning: Being mad or upset about something.

Example: “Why are you so pressed about what they said?”

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