CBD oil

CBD oil

You may have heard about the anxiety-reducing and sleep-enhancing benefits of CBD oil, but did you know it can improve circulation, reduce heart issues, and prevent the kind of high blood pressure linked to ageing? “CBD oil derived from cannabis has been shown to reduce blood pressure and improve circulation, although there have not been a lot of studies because cannabis has been illegal for many years,” says naturopath, Dr Lynn Anderson. “CBD oil removes the THC, which is the compound that causes the ‘high’ for cannabis,” she explains.


Grapeseed oil

Grapeseed oil
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This oil, a byproduct of wine-making, also serves as an anti-ageing remedy, according to Dr Rose. “Used topically, grapeseed oil can strengthen hair strands when added to your regular hair conditioning regimen and it can also be used as an all-natural makeup remover, which will also help reduce the appearance of fine lines due to its incredible antioxidant properties,” she says. “Grapeseed oil is rich in vitamin E, a vitamin and antioxidant known to be helpful for the prevention of heart disease, particularly when it’s consumed as food.” She recommends using it straight or adding a few drops to your favourite moisturiser or adding a teaspoon to a facial mask of ripe avocados.

Here are some anti-ageing treatments doctors actually use.

Yucca root

Yucca root
Getty Images

This root vegetable that’s native to subtropical climates, mostly South America, is rich in carbohydrates and serves as an excellent source of fibre, vitamin C, potassium and folate (an essential nutrient for pregnant women). It also happens to help with creaking joints, a sign of arthritis. “Arthritis, like many diseases, is inflammation-related, and yucca root extract happens to be an ancient natural remedy for inflammation,” says Dr Anderson. “Yucca is a good source of saponins, which may have anti-arthritic properties by suppressing intestinal protozoa which may have a role in joint inflammation.”

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Source: RD.com

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