Adding ingredients in the wrong order

Adding ingredients in the wrong order

Recipes have you add ingredients in a specific order for flavour development. If you add them out of order it could ruin your dish or taste different than the original recipe.

Read up on these cooking tricks to save yourself from disaster!


Using a food processor when the recipe calls for a mixer

Using a food processor when the recipe calls for a mixer

Blenders, mixers, and food processors are designed to do different things. A blender is used to mix and puree food; a mixer stirs, whisks, or beats food; and a food processor is a hybrid of a mixer and a blender. Using the wrong machine can give your food the wrong consistency.

Prepping ingredients as you cook

Prepping ingredients as you cook

To avoid ruining your food you should have all of your ingredients pre-measured and prepped before you start. If the recipe calls for minced garlic and you take the time to mince the garlic mid-step, it could ruin the recipe.

Forgetting to taste as you cook

Forgetting to taste as you cook

You should be tasting your food every step of the process. This will help you to make sure that you’re following the recipe and that nothing has gone wrong.

Adding too much food to the pan

Adding too much food to the pan

Each piece of food that you put in the pan needs to have enough room to cook evenly and thoroughly. A good rule of thumb is to evenly coat the bottom of the pan. Putting too much food in the pan will increase cooking time and cause the food to become mushy.

Once you master how to avoid these cooking mistakes, check out these brilliant kitchen shortcuts.

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