Opt for regular petrol

Opt for regular petrol
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Unless your vehicle requires it, only fill up with regular petrol, not premium or diesel. According to car-buying site True Car, there is no reason to pay good money for something you don’t need, with experts noting that in most cases, using a higher-octane petrololine than your owner’s manual recommends offers no benefit. It won’t make your car perform better, go faster, get better mileage or run cleaner.

Compare petrol prices on the road ahead

With petrol apps, you can easily find the cheapest petrol prices based on your current location, route and destination before you even hit the road.


Use a petrol credit card that rewards filling up

Use a petrol credit card that rewards filling up

All but a small fraction of drivers use credit cards at the pump. That’s a good thing. Cash doesn’t offer a single reward perk. Credit cards do. But be sure you’re using a card that provides the most perks at the pump. Many of the best petrol credit cards offer valuable rewards, such as cash back, travel miles and extra points to entice you into swiping the card at the petrol station.

Maximise your supermarket perks

Speaking of loyalty: Some supermarkets have their own petrol stations or partner with certain chains. They’ll let you use your supermarket loyalty reward points to save money on petrol. You may be able to save 4 cents per litre the next time you fill up, simply by doing your weekly grocery shopping.

Know the best days to buy petrol

Know the best days to buy petrol

You might assume Monday is an expensive day to buy petrol, what with commuters hitting the road again after the weekend. Yet in some countries it is the best day to fill up. To find out if there is a pattern for the cheapest day to fill up near where you live, put ‘best day to fill up petrol’ and your area in a search engine.

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Source: RD.com 

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