Be first in line for your shots

Be first in line for your shots
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Make sure you are up-to-date on all of your shots and immunisations since this is the best way to keep your immune system in tip-top shape. Immunisations are especially important if you are one of the millions of people living with diabetes.


Walk the walk

Walk the walk

Sitting or being sedentary for long periods of time increases the risk for all sorts of diseases and conditions that can shorten lives, Dr Roizen says. “Don’t sit for more than two hours in a row, and walk at least two minutes every two hours,” he says.

Quit smoking

Quit smoking
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Smoking tobacco is linked to a laundry list of diseases that will shorten your life, including cancer, heart disease and stroke. It’s not just cigarettes, either: vaping or spending time in hookah parlours is also dangerous, Dr Roizen says.

Here are some mind-blowing ways your body heals after you quit smoking.

Take care of your cells

Take care of your cells
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Telomeres are protective caps on the ends of our chromosomes that dictate how long cells live. Short telomeres are linked to a host of age-related diseases and conditions, but a small study shows that positive changes in four key areas – your diet, exercise, stress management and social support – may lengthen telomeres, according to research published in The Lancet Oncology.

Eat like a Greek

Eat like a Greek
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The anti-ageing Mediterranean diet is rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, healthy fats and lean protein: research published in Ageing Research Reviews in 2019 found that people who eat a Mediterranean diet have longer telomeres.

Don’t miss these amazing health and beauty benefits of olive oil.

Say “cheers”

Say “cheers”

People who have around one to two drinks a day appear to be less likely to develop dementia or suffer a premature death in comparison with people who don’t drink at all. But moderation is crucial, says Dr Roizen. Moderate alcohol consumption is defined as having up to one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men ­– that’s it. More than that erases the benefits, he says. Also, if you have a problem with alcohol, alcohol’s possible benefits in this area are not a reason to start drinking again, because the risks outweigh the benefits.

Avoid these top five offenders

Avoid these top five offenders
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The top five food offenders are saturated fat, trans fats, added sugar, syrups and refined carbs. “By avoiding these five food categories, you can significantly lower your chances of disease and premature ageing,” Dr Roizen says.

Here are some fatty liver symptoms you need to watch out for.

Live with purpose

Live with purpose

Having a deeper meaning and purpose in your life encourages healthy choices and behaviours, according to a 2017 study in the Journal of Health Psychology. The researchers found that people with a higher sense of purpose were more likely to eat lots of vegetables, exercise, get good sleep and even floss their teeth.

Get your zzz’s

Get your zzz’s
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Good sleep reduces stress and your risk of developing chronic health conditions associated with stress, says sleep expert, Dr Michael J. Breus. Poor sleep, however, sets us up for obesity and other diseases that can shorten lives.

Read on to find out how to get a better night’s sleep.

Know your numbers

Know your numbers
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Take control of your health and ageing by learning these six numbers: how many kilojoules you need in a day, your waist size, cholesterol levels, triglyceride levels, blood pressure, and morning pulse rate. Another good one to know? Your blood sugar. Tracking these numbers and keeping them in healthy ranges will tack years onto your life.

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