Warning sign: Passing out

Warning sign: Passing out
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Infants, the elderly and people with chronic diseases are especially vulnerable to heat stroke, and fainting may be the first sign of heat stroke in these individuals. During a heat wave, keep a watch on people who fall into these groups; call 000 if they should pass out and consider CPR if necessary – brush up on your skills here.


Warning sign: Heat exhaustion

Warning sign: Heat exhaustion

If you have heat exhaustion, you may be sweating profusely or have a rapid pulse, according to Mayo Clinic. This condition, also caused by the body overheating, can progress to heat stroke if not properly treated. They recommend resting right away and cooling your body down by moving to shade or air conditioning and drinking fluids.

What to do if you think you have heat stroke

What to do if you think you have heat stroke
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Doctors can’t stress this enough: Call 000. If you are with a victim while waiting for help to arrive, you can fan and sprinkle them with water to help their body cool down. At the hospital, treatment involves cool water immersion or ice packs placed on the groin, neck and armpits.

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Source: RD.com

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