Tart cherries

Tart cherries
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Secret fat burner: Melatonin

Tart cherries contain high levels of the hormone melatonin, key to healthy sleep. And good quality sleep is crucial for maintaining your weight. “Research shows that when we don’t get enough sleep and we feel tired, we crave more high-calorie foods. We’re probably also less active because we’re tired,” says Erin Palinski-Wade, RD, a nutrition and diabetes expert, and author of the 2-Day Diabetes Diet. “I generally recommend that people consume the tart cherries – fresh, dried, or in juice – within two or three hours before bed.”


Sweet potato

Sweet potato
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Secret fat burner: Beta carotene

Sweet and starchy foods are often off-limits to dieters, but sweet potatoes satisfy both those cravings – plus, they’re foods that burn fat too. Unlike other sweet and starchy foods, sweet potatoes are high in fibre. They also have high levels of beta-carotene, a type of antioxidant, that gives the tubers their bright orange colour and also helps stabilise your blood sugar. Beta carotene also lowers insulin resistance, which prevents kilojoules from being converted into fat. Some research suggests that sweet potatoes may even boost a hormone called adiponectin, which helps mobilise fat in the body. Find out the classic diet advice you can probably ignore.

Brown rice

Brown rice
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Secret fat burner: Fibre

“People can burn up to 418 more kilojoules a day when they eat whole grains versus fluffy white ones,” says Samantha Cassetty, MS, RD, a nutritionist based in New York City. “Eating foods in their most natural state is how our bodies are designed to handle them,” she explains. “Bodies are less efficient at processing foods in their natural state, so that’s what gives you an advantage.” A Tufts University study found that people who ate three or more daily servings of whole grains had less belly fat than people who ate the same amount of kilojoules from processed carbohydrates like white rice, pasta, or bread. Find out the 49 foods nutritionists will never touch.

Onions and garlic

Onions and garlic
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Secret fat burner: Allicin

Allicin, the same compound that gives onions and garlic their very strong distinctive taste and smell, also delivers fat-fighting properties. Both these vegetables contain volatile oils and allicin – although garlic has a lot more allicin than onions. But studies indicate that the oils in both vegetables can help control fat accumulation and body weight.

Blood orange

Blood orange
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Secret fat burner: Vitamin C

“Blood oranges have one of the highest vitamin C contents of all citrus fruits,” says Palinski-Wade. “And when you have high levels of vitamin C in the bloodstream, stress levels return to normal faster.” Why is this good for fat-busting? Because high levels of stress hormones such as cortisol can encourage your body to store fat, especially around the middle; when vitamin C lowers those hormones, it’s easier to lose weight. Fresh blood oranges, so-called because of their bright red pulp, can be eaten as a snack or sectioned into salads. (If you can’t find blood oranges in your local supermarket, navel oranges also have very high levels of vitamin C.)


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Secret fat burner: Iodine

Seaweed – in sushi, salads, or dried sheets for snacking – is low-kj and full of iodine, a mineral that helps regulate the functioning of the thyroid gland. One of the thyroid’s jobs is to regulate your body’s metabolism, which is why people whose thyroids don’t produce enough hormones may struggle with excess weight. Research shows that eating seaweed may be helpful for losing fat, especially around the middle. Brown varieties of seaweed contain a compound called fucoxanthin that could be especially helpful for weight loss – it increases the number of kilojoules your body burns.

Whey protein

Whey protein
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Secret fat burner: Leucine

All protein is not equal: Whey protein – usually sold as a powder supplement to add to shakes and smoothies – may be especially helpful for shedding kilos. This may be due to its high levels of leucine – an amino acid that helps the body synthesise protein. “As a protein-based supplement, it promotes muscle maintenance and growth,” says Jennifer McDaniel, RD, owner of McDaniel Nutrition Therapy. “Some research has shown it to be more effective at suppressing appetite compared to other protein sources. In one small study, whey protein was found superior in increasing metabolic rate compared to other types of protein-rich sources such as casein or soy.” Find out the seven so-called healthy foods that really aren’t.


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Secret fat burner: Capsaicin

If you’ve ever felt the burn of a chilli pepper – or cayenne, habañero, or jalapeño – it probably won’t surprise you to learn that these peppers may help burn kilojoules, too. “Capsaicin, the compound found in chilli peppers [and other hot peppers] may boost metabolic rate slightly,” says Sharon Palmer, RDN, The Plant-Powered Dietitian. “It raises energy expenditure.” According to Palinski-Wade, “Besides the fact that the capsaicin is thermogenic, eating hot peppers also makes you feel more satisfied.” She compares it to the feeling you have after brushing your teeth when you don’t want to eat anymore because of the minty taste in your mouth.

Peanut butter

Peanut butter
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Secret fat burner: Monounsaturated fat

Don’t grab a spoon and eat a whole jar – peanut butter is high in kilojoules, after all. But a tablespoon or two of peanut butter on toast, apple slices, or celery is a great way to add healthy fat and protein to a meal or snack. The combination of fat, protein, and fibre in peanut butter makes it very filling. And according to one study at Penn State University, a diet that includes foods, like peanut butter, with high levels of monounsaturated fats can help people lose weight. For the healthiest option, look for brands without added sugar. Follow this advice on how to keep your portions under control.

Coffee and black tea

Coffee and black tea
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Secret fat burner: Caffeine

Numerous studies have shown that caffeine can lift metabolic rate, which leads you to burning more kilojoules. “But don’t go crazy with it,” says Palinski-Wade. The optimum amount seems to be about 300 mg per day, she says, equivalent to about two medium cups of coffee or four of black tea. “Too much caffeine starts to reduce serotonin production,” she warns. “You might feel in a depressed mood and less motivated.” And don’t undermine the effect by loading up on cream and sugar. Here are 10 things that happen to your body when you quit coffee.

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