Make your own gifts

Make your own gifts

Save money on gifts by making your own. Because these gifts are personalised and heartfelt, the receivers will be sure to appreciate them all that much more.


Buy generic

Buy generic

Buy generic brands of medications, toiletries or foods. They are just as good as the name brand, and the few cents they’ll save you will add up to big bucks almost instantly.

Check your tyres

Check your tyres
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Make sure your tyres are inflated to the correct levels. For every two-PSI of air pressure under the recommended level in your tyres, you lose one percent of your fuel mileage. And since most people’s car tyres are five to 10 PSI below the normal level, that could add up to improving your mileage by five percent.

Cut the fat from your phone bill

Cut the fat from your phone bill
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Comb through your phone bill and make sure you aren’t paying for any services you aren’t using. Cut them, or switch to a smaller company that offers you the same service for less. Save even more money by ditching your landline in favour of your mobile.

Learn more surprising ways you’re wasting money. 

Become a part-time vegetarian

Become a part-time vegetarian
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Cut down on eating meat and opt for protein-packed alternatives like beans, eggs or nuts, which cost far less per gram.

Fix leaks

Fix leaks
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Cracks in your doors and windows could be escalating the cost of your energy bill. Taking the time to air seal your home will keep the A/C in (and your dollars from leaking out!)

Here are 40 things homeowners aren’t doing – but should be. 

Get coupon savvy

Get coupon savvy

Create an email account to use exclusively for printable in-store coupons, online coupon codes, daily deals and other special savings offers. Once a week, comb through them and select the best to use at your next visit to the grocery store.

These 11 organisational tricks will save you a ton of money. 

Make your own coffee

Make your own coffee
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A homemade morning coffee will save you an average of three of four dollars a day which adds up to hefty savings in just a month. And try buying your coffee beans in bulk rather than in individual cups – it’s a cheap as well as environmentally friendly habit.

Go cold turkey on pay TV

Go cold turkey on pay TV
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Cancel your pay TV services. With Internet streaming services, you can now watch almost anything immediately, and for a fraction of the cost of pay TV.

Plan your meals

Plan your meals

Every Sunday, make a list of the meals you will eat for the entire week. Planning your meals in advance will keep you from spending extra money at the supermarket, since you won’t be purchasing food that will eventually go to waste when it spoils.

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