Be a rewards hog

Be a rewards hog
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Sign up for free custom rewards programs. No matter where you live, plenty of retailers offer rewards and discounts by earning points on purchases, saving you big bucks even when you spend.

These are the credit card rules you should never break. 


Make lists

Make lists
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Writing a list before you go to the shops will stop you from making impulse buys and unplanned purchases – just make sure you stick to it!

Cook in bulk

Cook in bulk
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Make double, triple, or even quadruple servings of your favourite recipe and store it in the freezer. When you need a quick meal, just heat one up. Plus, buying food in bulk will be much cheaper in the long run.

Go dark

Go dark

Turn your lights off during the day or when you are out of the room. Keeping them on wastes energy and sends your energy bill soaring through the roof.

These money mistakes could be costing you thousands. 

Choose energy-efficient bulbs

Choose energy-efficient bulbs
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Although energy-efficient light bulbs might cost more at the forefront, in the long run they’re a great investment. LEDs and CFLs have much longer lives than normal incandescent bulbs and use far less electricity.

Care for your car

Care for your car

Clean or change out your car’s air filter every few months. A clean air filter can improve your petrol mileage by up to seven percent.

Here are 13 car problems you’ll regret ignoring. 

Shop the sales

Shop the sales
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Plan your meals around what’s on sale at your local grocery store. After a few months, you’ll have a much smaller food bill – and a fuller stomach.

Here are more supermarket tricks that savvy shoppers use to save money. 

Keep your hands clean

Keep your hands clean
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Washing your hands frequently – especially after you’ve used the bathroom or handled raw foods – will help you avoid all kinds of viruses and bacteria, coronavirus included, saving you hundreds in medical bills.

Don’t store your credit card online

Don’t store your credit card online

Take your credit card information off of your online accounts. It’s much harder to shop and spend money online when you have to enter your card number and expiration date again and again.

Shop post-holidays

Shop post-holidays
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Take advantage of post-holiday sales by doing your shopping for gifts and decor a few days after the holidays end. While most people do this for Christmas, it can work for any special occasion.

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